Snowflake Obsidian Meaning

What is Snowflake Obsidian? Meaning & Healing Properties

Snowflake Obsidian Meaning


snowflake obsidian is known for its grounding, protective, and balancing properties, aiding in emotional healing, clarity, and spiritual growth.


When it comes to healing the whole body and feeling your very best, picking the right crystal can make all the difference. Keeping it around your home as a beautiful decoration or wearing it as a piece of jewelry, such as a bracelet, can help heal the body, mind, and emotions all in one. But you have to take care to choose the right one for your healing needs.


One crystal that has a lot of power and can provide you with the assistance you need is the snowflake obsidian. This is a beautiful stone that you will want to keep on you, whether you choose to use it for healing or not. Let’s dive a bit into how this stone works and learn a bit more about its power.


What Is Snowflake Obsidian? 


Snowflake obsidian is a unique stone that is actually a form of volcanic glass that is able to form when molten lava cools down rapidly. It is black in color, which may seem like a bit of a shock, but there are some grayish or white splotches that look a bit like a snowflake thanks to some of the crystals that are found in the obsidian.


This type of stone forms during the rapid cooling of lava that is rich in silica at the time. It can cool with some of the cristobalite crystals to make the unique patterns that you find inside. It has a smooth texture that comes with it and a glassy luster as well, making it a unique stone that you will want to carry around for a long time.


Origin And History


Many types of obsidian, including snowflake obsidian, has been used in the past by civilizations who needed to make tools and weapons because it is so strong and can last a long time. It also is good for ceremonial objects due to the sharp edges. It did a good job for a number of tasks like hunting and cutting.


Various cultures around the world believe in some of the metaphysical properties that come with snowflake obsidian. This is a good stone to help with balancing the mind, body, and spirit. In the past, Shamans and healers would use these for healing and spiritual needs of the people.


There are a few different regions where you will be able to find snowflake obsidian. The most common areas will be in areas that have ongoing or recent volcanic activity where silica-rich lava is the most common. Parts of South America, Iceland, Mexico, and the western part of the United States tend to find this quite a bit.


In the past, and in modern times, this stone has caught the eye of a lot of people. That is why the most common sight for this stone today is all about the jewelry. Depending on the patterns that you get on the individual stone, you will find that this is one that will look amazing in any type of jewelry that you would like to wear.


Healing Properties


Many people throughout history will work with snowflake obsidian as a way to help them heal. There are so many great healing properties that come with this stone, whether you want to cure a physical ailment, or you are worried about some of your mental or emotional issues instead. Some of the different healing properties of snowflake obsidian to consider include:

physical healing properties


Snowflake obsidian is capable of helping with a few different physical ailments that you may suffer with in your life. If you deal with a few of these, then the stone can come in and provide some relief, even if other treatments have failed you in the past. Some of the physical healing properties you can enjoy with snowflake obsidian include:


Wound healing; This stone is sometimes placed on a wound that is struggling to heal in order to reduce inflammation and promote healing.


Blood circulation: Good blood circulation is critical to all areas of your body. When you can get healthy, oxygenated blood to your whole body, it can make you feel better. If you have an ailment that you need to work on, then this stone will assist.


Muscle tension: Some people will choose to go with muscle tension. If you struggle with sore muscles and cramps, this stone will have a calming effect and can promote more of the relaxation that your muscles are looking for.


Detoxification: If your body needs a good detox to feel better, then snowflake obsidian is going to give you the answers that you are looking for. Eliminate all of the pollutants and toxins to make sure that your body feels purified in the process.


Skin conditions; This stone can be used to help with several types of skin conditions like inflammation and acne. It has a soothing effect on the skin that will reduce the irritation and some of the redness that you may notice.


Digestive health: You want to get the most out of the foods that you eat. Good nutrition can aid inn healing the whole body and even improves the mind. Snowflake obsidian can assist with this, giving you some of the relief that you need.


These are just some of the physical healing properties that this stone is able to provide to you. Using it in meditation or keeping in on you in some manner can provide the relief that you need. This is a very calming and soothing stone, giving you the amazing benefits that you want in no time.


Mental & Emotional Healing Properties


You need to work on improving your mental and emotional health as much as you do your physical health. This will ensure that you have a well-rounded life and can make you happier than just focusing on one aspect of your life. Snowflake obsidian can do some wonders when it comes to healing. Some of the mental and emotional benefits you can get from this stone will include:


Support during change: This stone is going to assist individuals when they are going through a lot of change. It can be a good one to use to help provide the support and encouragement you are looking for in life. If you need help adapting to new situations and overcoming some of the bigger challenges in life, then this is a great option to go with.


Clarity and focus: Do you have something big coming up that you need to focus well on? Are you stuck on a big problem and can’t seem to get through with it all? Then you need to use snowflake obsidian to assist. This stone will help enhance mental clarity and improve your focus so you can stay organized and achieve your goals.


Emotional healing; Sometimes, there are things in life that can slow us down and make it difficult to move on. Snowflake obsidian is able to help heal the emotional wounds of the present and the past. It will work to gently remove the negative emotions like resentment, anger, and fear to make you feel better.


Grounding: This stone does have some grounding properties that you can focus on. this will help you feel stable and secure, no matter what is going on in the world around you at the time.


Balance; We all want to have more balance in our lives and this stone can make that happen. If you feel like you are obsessed with one thing or that something is a little off, keeping this stone nearby can make a difference.


You need to focus more on your emotional and mental health. This is something that a lot of people ignore, and that can cause them to have a lower quality of life. If you struggle with balance and grounding in your life and it is time to improve them, then implementing snowflake obsidian into your routine to help you feel better.


Metaphysical Properties


Snowflake obsidian is used to help with a lot of healing and can be a good way to clear up the chakras and give you some of the natural healing that you are looking for in your life. Some of the metaphysical healing properties that you can enjoy when you have this stone include:


Grounding: This stone is good if you need assistance in grounding. Specifically, snowflake obsidian will connect you to the energies of the earth, which can make you feel more stable and secure in your life.


Protection: This is a protective stone, one to use when you are worried about all the negative energies that are around you.


Balance: This is a good stone to choose if you are worried about being balanced. If you need to add some more harmony to your mind and body, and less stress and anxiety, then this is the right stone to use.


Manifestation: Some believe that this is a stone to use when it is time to manifest your desires and intentions. If you have some big goals or would like to manifest something important in your life, then using this tool can help.


Spiritual growth: Snowflake obsidian is a good one for all of your spiritual growth and development. If you are working on your spiritual life, then keep this one on hand.

The metaphysical properties of this stone are powerful, and they will definitely make a big change in your life if you let them. If you need assistance in some of these areas, then this is the stone that you will want to keep on hand.




You can use the snowflake obsidian to help clear out some of the different chakras and give you the good health that you need. Any blockage in the chakras can slow you down, make you feel sick, and can cause a lot of issues in your mental, emotional, and physical health if you are not careful. But the two chakras that tend to react well with the snowflake obsidian includes the root chakra and the sacral chakra.


To start, we will take a look at the root chakra, which is located close to the base of the spine. It is believed that this stone will have a strong grounding characteristic with it. This will help to stabilize the individual, connecting them to the energies of the Earth. This grounding effect can provide a sense of foundation, stability and security if those are missing from your life.


The second chakra that works well with snowflake obsidian is the sacral chakra. This stone is able to support you with some emotional healing and balance, releasing all of the negative emotions that tend to get right to the sacral area. This is a good one to use if you are feeling a lot of shame or guilt in your life.


Zodiac Signste


There are two zodiac signs that tend to do well with the snowflake obsidian. The first one is the Capricorn. This sign is known for determination, ambition, and being practical in all situations. The snowflake obsidian is going to complement the disciplined nature of the Capricorn by providing grounding energy and promoting emotional balance during times when you need to focus, or you have some big goals to reach.


The second zodiac sign that will benefit from the snowflake obsidian stone is the Virgo. A Virgo is analytical and detail-oriented. This stone will help the Virgo to maintain their mental clarity, have better focus, and can even aid them in releasing some of their perfectionist tendencies that often lead the individual to feel anxious and stressed.




There is a lot of good that the snowflake obsidian is able to do for your body and emotions. Whether you carry it around for the healing or you need to use meditation and other options to ensure that your chakras are up and running so you feel the best that you can. Make sure to keep this stone around to get the full benefits of grounding, balance, and so much more. 


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