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What is Tanzanite? Tanzanite Meaning Healing Properties


Kelly Saylor        Mar. 12,2024


tanzanite meaning

Tanzanite is well known for its gorgeous sparkling blue color. With a color that has been compared to the blue of the ocean, the azure of the sky, and the sweet blue color of a child’s eyes, tanzanite is truly a magical stone. The shade of it can actually be a bit purple or violet in color. As a crystal, many people love to have tanzanite around their homes for the physical and spiritual benefits it can bring to the environment. Crystals have long been used for centuries, and tanzanite is one of the most rare and unique minerals in the world.


There are a lot of fascinating facts about tanzanite, its history, and why people use this crystal in their daily lives. Its unique look is just the start of the meaning behind tanzanite, and the healing energy that it can bring to mind, body, and spirit. Let’s look at the meaning and origin of tanzanite, so that you can better understand some of the amazing benefits it can bring to your world. 






Third Eye



Solar Plexus








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what is tanzanite?
tanzanite properties
tanzanite hardness
types of tanzanite
origin and history
healing properties
physical healing properties
mental & emotional healing properties
metaphysical properties
tanzanite chakra
tanzanite zodiac signs

what is tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a variety of mineral crystal that comes from sorosilicate in the zoisite variety. In scientific terms, it’s considered a calcium aluminum hydroxyl sorosilicate. It’s also a part of the epidote mineral family, created by small amounts of vanadium, which is a chemical element that has the symbol “V” and the atomic number 23 attached to it.


Depending on the shape of the crystals, this aspect will determine the type of tanzanite and color it has. It’s very light reflective in general, having the optical phenomenon of looking like different colors at various angles. So it can appear blue, violet, or even burgundy depending on how you look at it. The majority color of tanzanite after it is harvested is reddish-brown in its most rough state. That coloring has to be removed with a heat treatment to reveal the depth of the blue color underneath. The deepest blue tanzanite has the most value to it as a gemstone, but in crystal form, the color level doesn’t matter as much. 

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Chemical Classification

Chemical Composition



Specific Gravity

Refractive Index



Blue to violet-blue

6.5 - 7 (Mohs)

2.60 - 2.65

1.691 - 1.700

tanzanite hardness


types of tanzanite

The crystal version of tanzanite only comes in a few different colors, but mainly blue and purple. The ones with the deepest most vibrant color of blue are the most sought after. Tanzanite is a type of zoisite crystal, but other forms of zoisite can come in all different colors, like brown, pink, yellow, gray, and green, but only the tanzanite form of zoisite comes in blue. The deep color blue is the most treasured form of the crystal. 


origin and history

Tanzanite is a very special crystal that only comes from one place in the whole world. It’s found in Tanzania, a small country in East Africa that borders Uganda and Kenya. The mining region that tanzanite comes from is the Manyara Region in the Simanjiro District. As a small place, the mining area in the Mererani Hills there is only around 4 miles long and a little over a mile wide. So, the tanzanite crystals discovered there are very special indeed and rare compared to most other crystals. Each tanzanite crystal was created over 500 million years ago when tectonic plates shifted along with a massive amount of heat to create this rare mineral deep within the Earth.


The term tanzanite is named after the country where it is located, but the famed jewelry company Tiffany & Co gave the gemstone version of tanzanite its name in 1968. The marketing department felt that “tanzanite” was a more fitting and interesting name than calling it blue-violet zoisite, which was a little too scientific, and not that romantic sounding of a name. 


healing properties

Called the “stone of transformation,” tanzanite has a lot of meaning both in the spiritual and physical worlds. In general, the tanzanite crystal is known for being tranquil, calming, and will bring the owner feelings of clarity. That could be due to the fact that blue in general tends to be a calming color to look at. People believe that tanzanite can bring understanding to situations, help someone make better decisions, think clearly, and foster communication.


It’s that clear thinking that tanzanite is known for, allowing someone to have more peace-making with their choices. Plus, when tanzanite is worn on the body, it’s said to ward off negative energies. So if you feel like everything is going wrong, tanzanite may be able to turn things around in a more positive direction for you. The soul-healing properties of tanzanite make it very valuable. Turning negative feelings into positive and beneficial ones is why its transformative properties are so important in healing. It’s all a part of eliminating toxic energy, replacing it with joy and light. How amazing is it that a rare blue crystal has such curative properties? 


physical healing properties

The healing energies of tanzanite are said to help with a bounty of physical ailments as well. One of the best physical benefits is its ability to boost the body’s immune system. Using the crystal can possibly help to prevent colds, flu, or other seasonal illnesses. Plus, when the immune system is in better shape, you will heal faster from any illness you may have. Think of tanzanite as a natural way to infuse energy into your immune system, fortifying it from germs that may be present.


Also, if you have recently had surgery or something that requires long-term care, the tanzanite crystal may help aid recovery. Or if you have an injury, cut, or broken bone, it may help to promote recovery faster and easier than without using tanzanite at all. It may alleviate instances of pain, including those people who get chronic migraines and headaches. Taking some time when you are in pain to sit with tanzanite crystals can help relieve some of those nasty pain symptoms, allowing you to get on with your day and all the things you have to do.


There is some evidence that tanzanite can promote cell regeneration since the crystals work at a cellular level. You’ll find that hair, skin, and nails will grow faster and be stronger. Think of it like a vitamin infusion that can improve how everything feels both inside and out. Along these same lines, tanzanite can protect different organs in the body, including the spleen, kidneys, and pancreas. By keeping everything running well and healthy, you’ll physically feel a lot better when tanzanite is in your back pocket.


Overall, when using tanzanite around in your environment, you’ll feel a physical increase in your vitality and energy levels. That due to the fact that even though tanzanite is slow-acting, the vibrations from the crystals are high, affecting the physical body in a beneficial way. 


mental & emotional healing properties

Not only is tanzanite great for the physical body, but it’s also really amazing at healing mental and emotional issues. The calming presence and vibration of tanzanite can help to ease anxiety and stress. So, if you are feeling anxious over a certain situation or social obligation you have to go to, sitting with the crystal and mediating may possibly help to relieve some of the anxiety. It’s known to boost self-esteem to make you feel more confident in situations and stressors you may face. You’ll feel more self-worth and love when using this rare crystal.


There is known to be some benefit when using this crystal in relieving depression symptoms. Feelings of worthlessness, low energy, and wanting to sleep all the time are common issues with depression. Considering that tanzanite is an energy-based crystal, you’ll feel the positive vibrations coming through to help boost you out of your low mood. It goes a long way toward balancing the mind and body with its mental healing energy.


Another way that tanzanite may help is for those going through addiction recovery. This is due to the fact that it helps to break apart destructive patterns, like dependency on alcohol or drugs. By allowing you to have more self-confidence, you can create better habits and patterns that don’t use these toxic substances when tanzanite is on your side. 


metaphysical properties

Due to the rarity of tanzanite, there are many metaphysical or spiritual properties that it can provide to the user of this crystal. Spiritual enlightenment is one of them, and can be attributed to it being the stone of transmutation. It can help someone embrace a higher sense of being and self that will make you feel more knowledgeable about the universe and your place in it on a larger scale. Using tanzanite will help you let go of negative energies that don’t serve a purpose in your life.


If you have creative endeavors that you want to pursue, tanzanite can help with that. The vibrations that tanzanite produces will help to stimulate that part of your brain that fosters creative spirit. The frontopolar cortex is the part of the brain that is responsible for creativity, so stimulating this part of the brain by being near this inspirational crystal will do wonders for your creative nature.


Tanzanite crystal is known to help people tap into their psychic abilities. This can make you more aware of the spiritual realms, expanding the normal limitations that your brain is used to. You’ll be able to connect higher dimensions, and possibly receive messages from the great beyond. What an incredible concept to think about, right? You can even seek answers by accessing the Akashic records, which are thought to hold everything that has ever happened in the universe. People access these records through a specific prayer that is related to the religion of Theosophy. Think of the prayer as a meditation that you can use when you harness the energy of tanzanite.


By enhancing your intuition, or the ability to understand something, you’ll be able to make smarter decisions using tanzanite to trust your inner mind in a variety of scenarios better. 


tanzanite chakra

Tanzanite is known to stimulate the third eye chakra, which means that it helps with intuition and may even help people tap into a higher understanding of themselves. By enhancing your intuition, or the ability to understand something, you’ll be able to make smarter decisions using tanzanite to trust your inner mind in a variety of scenarios better.


Opening up this chakra can have a calming effect on the mind and body. You’ll be able to meditate clearing the path of all seven chakras to have better alignment. Feeling more centered and in tune with your spiritual practices is a benefit of having tanzanite crystals stimulate your chakras. 


tanzanite zodiac signs

In the world of astrology, it’s been said that tanzanite affects those born under a sun sign the most. That includes Aries, Pisces, and Sagittarius. Some of the benefits it can bring to someone born under these signs who wears the crystal are good luck and fortune. Even though tanzanite will resonate more meaningfully with these zodiac signs, anyone can truly benefit from the good fortune it brings to the wearer.


The American Gemstone Association officially changed the December birthstone to the gemstone tanzanite. As a gemstone, tanzanite is said to be almost as rare as a diamond in value. Tanzanite is considered to be a 6 or 7 on the Mohs Harness Scale, so it’s a pretty hardy stone to wear, if you want to represent a December birthday. Most of the gemstone and crystals that they use in jewelry for birthstones are going to be heat treated to get the most blue or blue-violet color possible of of the tanzanite. Having such a beautiful stone set in a necklace, earrings, or a statement ring would be a wonderful gift to give yourself, or someone you love. 



The amazing history and mental, physical, and metaphysical properties of the mighty tanzanite are truly what make it such a worthwhile crystal to own. If you are looking for a crystal with the highest of vibrations, you really can’t go wrong with tanzanite. Transform your spirituality, awaken your senses, and bask in the glow of new psychic abilities each time you connect with this valuable crystal.


Indulge in the splendor of nature with our handcrafted crystal bracelets, for they are not just accessories but a reflection of your unique connection to the Earth's natural wonders. Elevate your style and embrace the power of nature with our exceptional collection of natural crystal bracelets.

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Kelly Saylor

Our brand story revolves around natural crystal bracelets, embodying unique beauty and inner energy. Founded on a passion for nature's allure and the mystique of crystals, our founder's discovery sparked a journey to share this magic with others.


Each bracelet is a bridge between nature and the soul, crafted with care to preserve the purity and energy of every crystal. Our production blends traditional craftsmanship and modern design, creating one-of-a-kind pieces.


Sustainability is at our core, with a commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility. Through our products and educational initiatives, we aim to spread awareness of crystals’ captivating charm and power, enriching the lives of all who wear them.