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What is Azurite ? Azurite Meaning Healing Properties


Kelly Saylor        Mar. 05,2024


azurite meaning

Find out everything you need to know about Azurite in this useful article which discusses its origin, history, physical and emotional healing properties and more.
If you’re considering a piece of Azurite, perhaps for a certain style of jewelry, beads or as a healing semi-precious stone - maybe an Azurite ornament - then this article will give you a wealth of information all about this beautiful gem, including its history, origin, properties and more.




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what is azurite?

One of the most alluring ancient semi-precious stones, Azurite is a dazzling, deep-blue copper-carbonate mineral. As it is copper-derived, it is known as a secondary mineral. Its shade is so vivid, that in the past, Renaissance artists and others used to grind it down into a find powder paint and create incredible color for their artwork (particularly for capturing sky scenes).  In fact, if you’re an art-lover, you’ll find Azurite used in paintings by Raphael (for example Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints) and Hans Holbein the Younger (e.g. Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling).  

Azurite is also often associated with the Zodiac sign Sagittarius (amongst others), and it’s believed that those born under this sign benefit from owning a piece of Azurite to encourage knowledge.  Furthermore, spiritualists believe in Azurite’s healing powers and in Hinduism and Buddhism, Azurite is responsible for unblocking Chakras and promoting wellbeing. Azurite has many other uses which we’ll discuss further on in this article.

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Chemical Classification

Chemical Composition



Specific Gravity

Refractive Index

Carbonate mineral


Deep blue to azure blue

3.5-4 (Mohs)


nα = 1.730 - 1.840, nβ = 1.758 - 1.875, nγ = 1.838 - 1.972

azurite hardness


types of azurite

When this gemstone is mixed with copper-carbonate, it creates a blend of Azurite/Malachite, or Azurmalachite.  In fact both minerals are often discovered together.

As well as the blend of Azurmalachite, there are a further 44 confirmed forms (and research has determined possibly over 100 forms) of Azurite.  However, Azurite can also be confused with another gemstone, Mrazekite – which is a very rare, deep-blue stone but they are not the same!  


Range of Color

Azurite ranges in color from pale blue to deep blue, but the most common types of Azurite are usually mid to dark blue.  Whatever color your Azurite, it will most likely be a very intense color. 
Generally, the stone is favored for some pieces jewelry (especially used in beads), ornaments, by stone collectors and found in decorative objects.  Azurite is not a very hard stone, so it is not generally used in jewelry that might suffer from knocks as it can easily crack.

A soft stone, it is 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale and opaque rather than crystal-clear.  Having said that, it can also form a crystal type growth (known as druzy) which contains miniscule reflective shimmering crystals.  


origins and history

The copper-derived mineral was widely-used in ancient times.  It’s mentioned in Pliny the Elder’s (Roman author) Natural History when it was called Caeruleum (its Latin name) and Kuanos (Greek for deep blue)

Then it seemed to disappear until the 19th century when the copper mineral, which has the chemical formula Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, was rediscovered by Francois-Sulpice, in Beudant Chessy-les-Mines which is located in France. At that time, it was referred to as Chessylite, (this name was chosen because of its mining location, Chessy-les-Mines). Later on, it was given the name Azurite because of its intense color, which is similar to an Azure blue shade (which comes from the Persian lazhward – where Lapis Lazuli or the stone of Axure is mined).  The stone is formed due to the weathering of copper ore deposits, which is why it is a type of copper.


healing properties 

The real beauty of gemstones isn’t just their color or shimmer, it’s in their healing properties, which span physical, emotional, metaphysical and even Chakra healing.  Azurite is one of many healing crystals and is mainly associated with clearing energy blockages and boosting knowledge flow in terms of focus, clarity and concentration.  It has additional benefits too, such as encouraging trust and promoting intuition.  Let’s go into a little more depth.


physical healing properties

Widely accepted to have multiple healing properties, Azurite can help with promoting pain relief, particularly in the upper body, such as the throat area, neck and shoulders.  Furthermore, wearing a piece of Azurite is believed to improve blood circulation.  For those suffering vertigo episodes, keeping Azurite close-by can alleviate imbalance, further bolstered by aligning the spine and joints. Therefore, it’s a useful stone for those suffering back pain. 


mental healing properties

Earlier in this piece, Azurite and its impact on drawing knowledge was mentioned, especially for Sagittarians. This doesn’t mean that it can’t be used by other Zodiac signs, as the stone has the ability to boost neural pathways in the brain, therefore good for focus, sharpness, memory and general mental clarity.


emotional healing properties

In terms of emotional healing, this copper gemstone can also work wonders for confidence! During those times of insecurity or when experiencing feelings of low-self-esteem, Azurite has almost magical capabilities, and can restore low morale and banish negativity.  There’s more too, if relationships (any type – partner, friend, family, work) are posing tricky or are in a period of conflict, owning or wearing a piece of Azurite can reduce tension and help to see problems clearly – encouraging openness and resolution.


metaphysical properties

Spiritually and metaphysically, Azurite has been used for thousands of years by mystics and healers to connect with guides from other realms.  This cleansing stone emits energy, or Chakras and removes blocked energy channels from the body so vibrations travel resistance-free.  In traditional Indian cultures, it is an essential stone for healing Chakras to emit positive energies which leads us nicely into Azurite and Chakras.

What are Chakras?

Let’s just quickly touch on what Charkas are.  There are seven Chakras (Chakras mean Wheel in Sanskrit) providing the body with energy – and sometimes, these Charkas get blocked.  When all Chakras are free and open, energy travels through them without obstruction, so the body, mind and soul work in harmony.


azurite and chakras

The Third Eye Chakra

Azurite is connected to the Third Eye Chakra, which represents intuition and foreknowledge.  

The Heart Chakra

As well as the Third Eye, Azurite connects to the Heart Chakra, which is all about love giving and receiving love.  Azurite keeps this energy pathway clear, encouraging positive love.

The Throat Chakra

Azurite’s blue color is linked to health and wealth – which bonds to the Throat Chakra, which is associated with courage to be bold and truthful.


The Crown Chakra

This is a very spiritual Chakra, believed to connect the human body to the metaphysical universe through spiritual messages, encouraging guidance and awareness.


azurite and zodiac signs

We’ve already touched on Zodiac signs and Azurite, which is mainly connected to Sagittarius and Aquarius but it’s also a super stone for Geminis.  

For Sagittarians, owning a piece of Azurite is believed to encourage this star sign’s natural interest and curiosity in delving deeper into philosophy, questioning while gathering knowledge. 

Aquarians benefit from Azurmalachite, the blend of Azurite and Malachite which promotes kindness, compassion and sympathy.  You might find Aquarians following careers in nursing, care, medical health or charity and other humanitarian-type careers.

Geminis can benefit from owning a piece of Azurite to bring healing through wisdom and welcoming clarity and decision-making, often challenging for those born under this sign.

Azurite as a Birth Stone

It will come as no surprise that Azurite is the May birthstone (one reason is that the Zodiac sign Gemini begins on 21st May).  Give it as a gift for a favorite Gemini friend or family member, it will help them to gain balance, stay calm and focused by bringing equilibrium between the mind and emotion.



Azurite, which is a derision of copper deposits, was first discovered in ancient times, and then rediscovered during the 19th century in Chessy, France.  With a dramatic blue hue of Azurite, it is an exceptionally beautiful gemstone to own as a piece of jewellery, bead, healing stone or used in a decorative ornament.  Not only does it look visually stunning, but it has special “powers” thanks to its links to certain Chakras that encourage the free-flowing of energy for balance, serenity, knowledge, mental clarity and compassion.  Furthermore, its strength as May’s birthstone and for Zodiac signs Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius (the latter when blended with Malachite) promotes healing, wisdom, balance and kindness. 

frequently asked questions


What are some other names for Azurite?

This gemstone is mostly called Azurite, but sometimes, you might hear it referred to as:
Chessylite (thanks to its mining location in Chessy-Les-Mines, France).
Azure Copper Ore.
Kuanos (original Greek name).
Caeruleum ((original Latin name).
Blue Carbonate of Copper.
Blue Malachite.
Chessy Copper
Blue Spar.

Apart from Chessy-Les-Mines in France, where else is Azurite found in the world?

It is mainly found in copper-rich areas such as the USA (specifically Arizona), Australia, Mexico, Namibia, Russia, Chile and Morocco.  All of these areas are well-known for abundant copper and Azurite is formed through the oxidization of copper ore deposits.  However, Azurite itself is not abundant or common, which makes it all the more precious!

Why would I want to use, own or wear Azurite?

Apart from its exceptional beauty, Azurite is an excellent semi-precious gemstone to own/wear as it alleviates stress and anxiety because of its many healing properties.  In fact, it can help you to banish negativity and help you see clearly.  Plus it’s excellent for drawing wisdom and binding your connection with your higher self. If you practice yoga, or meditation, keeping a piece close by or wearing a piece of Azurite can enhance your practice by clearing any blocked energy channels.

How do you use Azurite to unblock Chakras?

Place your Azurite gemstone directly on the area that needs healing.  The stone will connect with the higher realms and stimulate energy flow, unblocking channels. You will begin to slowly notice the tremendous benefits and feel better soon.

If you aren’t born under the Zodiac signs Sagittarius, Taurus or Gemini, can you still wear Azurite?

Absolutely!  This beautiful and powerful stone is suitable for anyone to wear or own – its eye-catching, intense blue color makes for wonderful jewelry and beads.  However, it is important to bear in mind that Azurite is fairly soft on the Mohs scale, so it is best as a bead as it can easily crack.

What else is Azurite used for?

Historically, because of its intense blue color, the stone was ground down into a fine pigment powder for paints and dyes and applied by artists to paintings and other decorative items.  It can also be used for other ornamental pieces or just as an attractive stone for display.  Mineral collectors value Azurite because of its rich color and beauty and healers use it to promote positive energy.

I don’t want to wear Azurite so how else can I benefit from it?

It’s a good idea to place an Azurite stone on your desk or in your office/study to help you focus and concentrate.

I’ve heard that Azurite can change to Malachite – how do I prevent this?

Over time, Azurite can morph into Malachite, which means it changes its color and turns greener, it also loses its depth of color, growing paler.  To prevent this, store Azurite away in a dark place and don’t place it near heat or where there’s limited air-circulation.  It’s best to keep it in a dresser or closet to prolong its beauty.

How do I keep my Azurite clean?

As with any semi-precious or precious gemstone, don’t use abrasive cleaning agents, or aggressively clean your Azurite.  Use a very mild detergent, such as soapy water and dip it.  Then, use a soft cloth to gently polish it.  Never use ultrasonic or steam to clean your Azurite stone.



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Kelly Saylor

Our brand story revolves around natural crystal bracelets, embodying unique beauty and inner energy. Founded on a passion for nature's allure and the mystique of crystals, our founder's discovery sparked a journey to share this magic with others.


Each bracelet is a bridge between nature and the soul, crafted with care to preserve the purity and energy of every crystal. Our production blends traditional craftsmanship and modern design, creating one-of-a-kind pieces.


Sustainability is at our core, with a commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility. Through our products and educational initiatives, we aim to spread awareness of crystals’ captivating charm and power, enriching the lives of all who wear them.