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What is Blue Topaz ? Blue Topaz 
Meaning Healing Properties


Kelly Saylor        Mar. 05,2024


blue topaz meaning

Understanding gemstones and what they can do for us is an incredible phenomenon. Natural crystals, like blue topaz, often have underlying meanings and potentially even healing properties for some. The blue natural topaz is an incredible gemstone that often represents calmness and clarity. If you’re looking for a natural crystal to promote tranquility in your life, this is the one. 

Walk with us as we share everything you need to know about the meaning of blue topaz. We will look at everything from its humble origins to better understanding spiritual aspects, healing properties, and more. 




Third Eye


Solar Plexus




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what is blue topaz? 
blue topaz properties
blue topaz hardness
origin and history
spiritual meaning
physical healing properties
mental & emotional healing properties
metaphysical properties
zodiac signste
blue topaz faqs

what is blue topaz? 

Blue topaz is part of the mineral topaz and it can be found worldwide. However, it is most known for originating from Pakistan. Topaz itself can be found in many colors. What we know as blue topaz in something like blue topaz jewelry is often heat treated to bring out the bright or dark blue color the crystal is known for. 

However, truthfully, blue topaz when it is mined actually has a very pale blue color that is nearly translucent. The colors can vary in hues, but most natural crystals are light in color or perhaps resemble a clear blue sky. We know that topaz can also be found in orange, yellow, or pink, but blue has always been the most sought-after of its kind. 

Blue topaz comes in many different types, especially when related to jewelry selections. Some options that offer natural, treated, or even synthetic blue topaz. You will find that natural blue topaz is considered rare. Did you know that you can find the largest topaz crystal in the New York Museum of Natural History? It weighs nearly 600 pounds and is absolutely stunning. 

blue topaz properties   click to view 


Chemical Classification

Chemical Composition



Specific Gravity

Refractive Index



Blue, sometimes colorless, yellow, brown, or pink

8 (Mohs)

3.49 - 3.57

1.610 - 1.638

blue topaz hardness


origin and history

This natural gemstone is absolutely gorgeous. The blue comes from iron and chromium which affect the color hues. The very first discovery of blue topaz dates back to the 18th century sometime and is accredited to an area in Brazil. Pakistan is now the primary location, but areas like Brazil, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and the United States are all known to have mining areas that return this incredible crystal. 
While Brazil is credited for discovery sometime in the 18th century, many believe it can be traced back to ancient civilizations. In those ancient times, the crystal represented divine wisdom and protection. There are stories of the Egyptian era that believe this natural crystal was associated with their sun god, Ra. If they wore the crystal, they were to be blessed with strength and vitality. 

And as we move through history, we see symbolism like this all along the way. In medieval times, blue topaz was said to ward off evil spirits and help bring good fortune to the bearer. There are many tales and underlying beliefs that bring us to today. 

In modern times, most people view this natural crystal as a symbol of calmness and clarity. It’s used a lot to help reduce anxiety or high stress levels. 

Perhaps what the blue topaz natural crystal is most known for is its dedication to being December’s birthstone. But truth be told, it is so much more than that! 


spiritual meaning

From a spiritual perspective, blue topaz is associated with chakra too. We will discuss chakra a bit more later, but it’s an integral part of the spiritual aspect of this gem. The color of the gemstone alone provides a lot of spiritual clarity, helping to calm and provide relaxation for a person who focuses their vision on the blue hue. 

With properties of communication, self-expression, and tranquility, the gemstone is said to help evoke calmness, clarity, and inner peace. This stunning blue crystal is used regularly for spiritual practices, especially meditation or mediation. The spiritual properties of the stone bring harmony to what could be a stress-filled situation. 

And finally, it is believed that the tranquility of the blue topaz leads to inspiration and creativity. When you clear your mind, it gives those avenues more space to show up. 


physical healing properties

Most of the physical healing properties of this gemstone are associated with the chakra properties. For example, as a throat chakra, it can help relieve sore throats and ailments that are associated with a sore throat. 

However, there is more than that to these crystals. Ultimately, blue topaz is soothing, and that soothing nature can help to rejuvenate your body when it starts to show signs of tension or stress. The relaxation and relief can reduce acute pain that you might face. This covers things like headaches and migraines as well as general discomfort. 

Remember that blue natural topaz helps to relieve tension and stress, calming your mind and body. Someone who suffers from chronic headaches or migraines, anxiety, insomnia, and other similar stress-related symptoms can benefit significantly. 

The unique properties of calming paired with the chakra help to improve throat and even thyroid health as well as respiratory support. We will dig into that more when we discuss the chakra, but it’s an important part of the physical healing properties of this crystal.  


mental & emotional healing properties

The most well-known benefits of blue topaz is to support mental and emotional health the most. However, you will notice significant benefits to physical, mental, and emotional health. The ability to improve overall well-being is a huge win here. 

The advantage of providing your mind with clarity and relaxation does a lot to support both mental and emotional health as a whole. When you clear the mind, calm the emotions, and bring tranquility to the space, you find room for self-expression, creativity, and improved thought processing. The ability to bring mental clarity and emotional stability can reduce negative thoughts, ensure a sense of serenity, and improve an outlook of optimism. 

Have you ever noticed yourself struggling to communicate with others? Many times this stems from a place of anxiety or just mental overwhelm. With the aid of blue topaz crystals, you can often overcome these barriers and learn to better express your thoughts and feelings in a way that others will understand. It’s not just that your mind is clear, but also that you are beginning to better understand yourself and come to terms with emotions and mental processes. 


metaphysical properties

Many of the different elements of blue topaz come back to the soothing nature of the stone. It centers, provides clarity, and promotes positive mental and emotional well-being. With the energy of communication and mental clarity, many things simply align and harmonize within your mind. 

The blue topaz in a sense helps you better understand yourself and your mental needs. It strongly supports emotional health and can stabilize your mind and emotions in doing so. Many believe that these natural crystals will rid your soul of arrogance so that you can better understand, express, and communicate. Consider the possibilities of fostering open and honest dialogue even in emotional scenarios. 
In metaphysical descriptions, blue topaz is considered the stone of peace. 



There are two related chakras for the blue topaz. The most notorious is that of the throat chakra. Your throat is the very center of communication, but also of several physical systems of your body. However, a blockage in the throat chakra heavily influences your ability to communicate or express yourself. It restricts your emotions, your creativity, and your mental communication skills. 
In addition to these details that stem from the throat, you also have physical health notions. Things like sore throats, respiratory problems, and even thyroid issues can stem from an imbalance of the throat chakra, or a blockage if you will. When the throat chakra is activated, health is improved in these areas and you are also able to better communicate in every way. You become more open and more receptive to others at the same time. You better understand your own needs and how to express them. 

The other associated chakra is the third eye chakra. These have very similar benefits, but the third eye chakra is more related to tranquility and opening up your internal creativity streams. The third eye chakra is for your mental and emotional well-being, bringing you imagination and creativity. 

When the third eye chakra is awakened, you are more aware and more perceptive. Your mind opens up to allow creativity to thrive. It also helps to fill our lives with meaning and gives us the power of intuition so that we can make wise choices and learn from things quickly. 


zodiac signste

Anyone can benefit from blue topaz crystals, but certain zodiac signs are said to receive the best benefits from the stones. 


This grouping of zodiac signs needs more balance in their lives and the activation of those energies often promotes more positive energy that helps them to achieve this balance. 

On the other hand, blue topaz is the birthstone for December, and Sagittarius and Capricorn are the signs that fall into that timeframe. Because of that connection, these two zodiac signs create a unique bond with the stone and it is very powerful for them to benefit from. 


The blue topaz has been identified as the birthstone for the month of December. There are many stunning qualities to this stone and you can find a wide array of crystals and jewelry that portray the birth stone. Wear a necklace to evoke the throat chakra or wear other blue topaz jewelry to reap the benefits of the stone as a whole
Bring calm, serenity, and self-expression into your life. While it is thought that these crystals provide the most benefit to those who have birth months close to December, they really can provide tranquility and wellness to many. 



The blue topaz crystals are a beautiful embodiment of meaning that hold many healing and spiritual properties. From understanding the chakra to simply taking the benefits of this crystal or gemstone as they are, there is substantial evidence of positivity, serenity, and tranquility from the incorporation of these stones into your life. Use jewelry, add crystals to rooms in your home, and enjoy what blue topaz has to offer from a wellness perspective and from the beauty of the stunning visuals of the gem. 

blue topaz faqs


What is the Spiritual Meaning of Blue Topaz? 

The spiritual meaning of blue topaz can sometimes vary because it holds elements of both third eye and throat chakra. What you experience from this gem could also depend on what your needs are. Overall, the gem is thought to help promote inner wisdom and knowledge of self so that you can better portray that to others. It also helps to provide tranquility and mental health through the relief of stress and anxiety. 

What are the Benefits of Blue Topaz? 

The most advantageous benefit of blue topaz is the calming nature of this crystal. Those who use the crystal or the gemstones typically benefit from a natural calm within their mind. That calm then opens them up to improved mental and emotional well-being and allows them to better communicate with others in the process. 

Is Blue Topaz Good Luck? 

From ancient history, specifically in Egyptian and medieval times, wearing blue topaz jewelry is said to bring you good fortune and open the realm of new possibilities. The cleansing serenity and tranquility help to open your mind to the potential of luck and good fortune. The historical use of the gem was for this purpose specifically. 

Who Shouldn’t Use Blue Topaz? 

Technically speaking, anyone can use blue topaz and will likely benefit. However, those that are Aries zodiac signs should consider avoiding the gemstone and not wear it often. According to astrology, the blue gemstone could be more negative than helpful to this specific group of people. There are certain astrological times that it is safer for them to wear it than others. 

Can You Wear Blue Topaz Every Day? 

Yes! The benefits may be effective at certain times, such as the positioning of Saturn. However, it is acceptable to wear it daily even if just for decorative purposes. 

On What Finger Should You Wear a Blue Topaz Ring? 

You can wear blue topaz on any finger you prefer. If you want the best authority of the gemstone, wear it on your index finger and exert leadership and power in doing so. 

Can You Wear Blue Topaz with Other Gems? 

You need to be careful about wearing contrasting stones. There are many stones that conflict, but blue topaz is surprisingly cooperative with most of them. The only stone you should avoid is moonstone, because both stones have high vibrational qualities that may conflict and overwhelm your senses. 


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Kelly Saylor

Our brand story revolves around natural crystal bracelets, embodying unique beauty and inner energy. Founded on a passion for nature's allure and the mystique of crystals, our founder's discovery sparked a journey to share this magic with others.


Each bracelet is a bridge between nature and the soul, crafted with care to preserve the purity and energy of every crystal. Our production blends traditional craftsmanship and modern design, creating one-of-a-kind pieces.


Sustainability is at our core, with a commitment to ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility. Through our products and educational initiatives, we aim to spread awareness of crystals’ captivating charm and power, enriching the lives of all who wear them.