Howlite  Meaning

What is Howlite? Meaning & Healing Properties

Howlite Meaning


The Significance of the Intricate Howlite is an intricate and remarkable stone. It offers the unique appearance of an ivory-white surface marred by complex veining. Its distinctive look indicates its deep spiritual meaning and metaphysical properties. 


The stone’s chalky white color provides a sense of calm that is apparent the moment you look at it. But its markings reveal that it has a deeper story to tell. Read on to learn more about this complex stone. Stone


What Is Howlite? 


Howlite is a borate mineral found in evaporite deposits. It was first brought to the attention of Canadian chemist, geologist, and mineralogist Henry How in 1868. Miners working near Windsor, Nova Scotia complained that the plentiful stone’s presence was interfering with their ability to work. 


How identified the stone as calcium borosilicate hydroxide and called it silico-borate calcite. However, American geologist James Dwight Dana changed its name to howlite shortly after its discovery to honor the mineralogist who made its presence known. 


Although howlite was discovered in Nova Scotia, it can also be found in Germany, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Namibia, the United States, and some parts of Mexico. 


Howlite Geography


Howlite typically appears as irregular white nodules with black or gray veins running through them in a web-like pattern. Howlite crystals have also been discovered in some parts of California and Nova Scotia. The crystals are translucent or transparent and can be clear, white, or brown. 


The stone is relatively soft, ranking just 3.5 on the Mohr hardness scale. The crystals can reach a hardness of 6.5. Their softness causes a lack of regular cleavage leading to indistinct shapes. 


Similarities To Turquoise


Howlite and turquoise are often confused. They are both often incorporated into silver jewelry. They also have the same veining properties. 


To make things even more confusing, howlite’s porous properties mean it can be dyed in various colors including turquoise. There are also white varieties of turquoise that are often identified as howlite. 


However, white turquoise has a hardness scale of 1 which makes it a difficult jewelry material to work with. Howlite is a preferred option. Both howlite and white turquoise are sold under the names “white buffalo turquoise”, “white buffalo stone” and simply “white turquoise.”

howlite as the calming stone


Howlite’s stark white color establishes its properties of calmness and serenity. It has earned the nickname, “The Calming Stone” because it inspires you to slow down, take in what’s around you, and live more mindfully. 


Healers believe howlite’s soothing effects are tied to science. They feel it can slow down the heartbeat to promote a more rational way of thinking. It calms the fight or flight response and reduces feelings of panic. 


The stone is also said to produce better quality sleep. It soothes an overactive mind, so you don’t stay awake at night worrying. It helps you let go of negative vibes to lead a more positive existence. 


Howlites Spiritual Properties


Howlite’s spiritual properties relate to how it interacts with the chakras in the body. Buddhist and Hindu religions believe there are seven major chakras in the body, as well as over a hundred minor chakras, that promote energy flow. If a chakra is blocked, it can cause physical and mental anguish. 


Each chakra serves a different purpose. For example, the heart chakra is linked to self-love and love for others. The throat chakra ensures you speak the truth and that others tell you the truth. 


The howlite is directly related to the crown chakra which is located on top of the head. It defines your connection to spirituality. It helps you determine your life’s purpose. 


The stone is also connected to the third eye chakra. It controls your imagination and intuition. It helps you bring meaning to everyday life. 


Because the Howlite is so closely related to the crown chakra, it is believed to be most effective when it is placed on top of the head. If you place a Howlite on top of your head, it is said to align your chakras. The positioning can also enhance its healing effects, so you feel more balanced and physically stronger. 


Howlite’s Healing Properties


Howlite offers various emotional and physical healing properties. Here are some reasons to include it in your wellness regimen:


Mental Benefits


Reduces Anxiety: Howlite’s calming properties make it the ideal stone for relieving anxiety. It absorbs negative energy to relieve a worried mind. It also reduces the risk of anxiety-related conditions like heart disease, depression, and obesity. 


Improves Sleep: Stress and poor sleep patterns are often related. Howlite reduces stress so you can enjoy restful, restorative sleep. Quality sleep is related to improved heart health, better mood, weight maintenance, and boosted immunity. 


Helps You Let Go of Anger: Hold the stone and feelings of anger will dissipate. It will clear your head to help you focus. You will make clearer decisions. 


Promotes a Loving Relationship with Yourself: Howlite helps you get in touch with your feelings and forge a healthy relationship with yourself. As a result, you will build better relationships with friends and family members. 


Physical Benefits


Promotes Healthy Bones: Howlite’s white color may remind you of a bone or tooth. Some healers take it a step further. They believe the stone can improve bone and tooth health.  


Reduces Pain and Inflammation: The stone is said to reduce pain and inflammation in the muscles, tendons, and joints. Use it while treating arthritis, aches, and pains to soothe discomfort. 


Nausea: Howlite can be an effective anti-nausea treatment. It is especially useful for treating motion sickness and morning sickness. Place it on your forehead and take slow, deep breaths to promote nausea relief. 


Reiki Healing: The stone is often incorporated into Reiki healing. It promotes balance in the body to reduce disease risk. It has even been used as a complementary therapy for cancer. 


Howlite’s Metaphysical Properties


Howlite has several metaphysical properties. Many people believe it offers psychic protection by protecting them from negative energy. It may also keep you safe from electromagnetic frequencies which are harmful to health. 


Here are some ways you can use Howlite to achieve higher spiritual awareness. 


Connect to Your Past Life: The stone is said to help you travel back in time so you can discover how past lives affect your current being. You can work through issues to become more self-actualized. 


Boosts Psychic Abilities: Many of us have psychic insights that are not fully developed. Howlite will clear your path so you can connect to the other side. It will also help you unite your spiritual and physical realms so you feel more empathetic to others. 


Promotes Spiritual Development: The stone will help you develop a clear understanding of yourself so you can live with purpose. It will remove obstacles that interfere with spiritual realms so you can achieve higher levels of consciousness. It will help you stay in tune with your spiritual self.  


More Effective Channeling: Howlite stones clear obstructions to allow for better channeling. They will open you up so you can receive messages from spiritual guides. 


Dreams: The stone will make it easier for you to remember and analyze your dreams. It will remind you of your subconscious memories so you can recall them after you wake up. 


mproves Meditative Abilities: Howlite’s ability to connect the physical and spiritual realms makes meditation effortless. 


How To Use Howlite


Home And Office


Howlite’s purifying properties will absorb negative energy and promote a soothing vibe in any environment. Consider placing a piece of Howlite on a bookshelf or hanging Howlite beads in your home or office to improve relationships among family and co-workers. You may also place Howlite on your nightstand or under your pillow to promote a more restful sleep. 


Howlite Jewelry


Wear howlite jewelry to infuse its calming properties into your skin and take it with you wherever you go. You can wear a howlite necklace to keep it close to your heart. A howlite bracelet will connect with your pulse.


As a Worry Stone


Howlite can also be used as a therapeutic tool similar to a fidget toy. Place your thumb, finger, or palm in the stone indentations. Like acupressure, it will provide a surge in endorphins that relieves stress and promotes feelings of euphoria. 


Pyrite As a Birthstone


Pyrite is technically not a birthstone, but it is associated with the zodiac sign of Leo. It’s also naturally aligned with people born between July 22 and August 21. For people born in this timeframe, it can bring more enthusiasm, strength, and happiness.    


That being said, pyrite is an “enhancer” stone, which can magnify the positive qualities found in several of the zodiac signs. People who are naturally dominant, creative, and intelligent can enhance these characteristics to strengthen overall leadership skills. 



Cleanse Your Howlite Stone


It’s essential to cleanse your howlite stone regularly to ensure it is purified and ready for action. Here are a few purifying techniques:


Brown Rice: Place your howlite stone in a bowl of uncooked brown rice. Leave it there for 24 hours, then use a soft brush to remove the dust. The rice will have absorbed the negative energy so you must dispose of it immediately. 


Full Moon Cleansing: A full moon cleansing will remove your stone’s negative energy. Place the stone on a windowsill or another area where it can absorb moonlight. Remove the stone early the next morning before the sun fully rises. 


Visualization: The simplest way to cleanse your stone may be through visualization. Choose a time when you are focused and grounded. Cleanse your stone right after meditation for optimal results. Lift the stone and visualize it filling your hands with radiant light. You should feel the negative energy lifting from the stone as it is replaced by positivity. 


Running Water: Water will cleanse and purify your stone. A natural spring or fountain offers the most purification benefits, but even a home faucet can work.  The stone must be fully submerged for about a minute to achieve optimal results. 


Howlite Crystal Combinations


Combining howlite stone with other crystals will enhance its effects and achieve a more definite sense of purpose. You may combine it with:


Citrine: Citrine increases self-confidence and reduces destructive tendencies. It will increase howlite’s ability to reduce negative energy.  The combination is ideal for combatting anxiety and depression. 


Selenite: Like howlite, selenite is excellent for improving meditation and enhancing psychic abilities. Use the two stones together to unleash your spiritual side. 


Smoky Quartz: Smoky quartz is a soothing stone that reduces anxiety and depression. Place smoky quartz and howlite under your pillow at night to experience the ultimate in relaxation. 


Fire Agate: Fire agate is said to reduce destructive behavior. It can be paired with howlite to reduce negative energy. It also helps you become more spiritually connected. 


Howlite Birthstone


Howlite is not an official birthstone, but it has been associated with various Zodiac signs as follows:


Gemini (May 21- June 20)


Howlite is most closely associated with the Gemini Zodiac sign. Because Gemini are twins, people who fall under the Zodiac sign tend to have multi-faceted personalities. They are easily adaptable and pursue various passions, but they are also prone to mood swings. 


The stone is ideal for Geminis because it keeps them grounded. It allows them to improve their focus and reduce the anxiety that comes with a need for adaptability. It helps them gain a better understanding of themselves. 


Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)


Virgos are loyal, intellectual, and hard-working. They also tend to be obsessed with perfectionism. They may be judgmental of others. 


Howlite provides Virgos with the balance they need to overcome the stress of perfectionism. It allows them to focus and deal with situations in a rational manner. It keeps negative, judgmental thoughts at bay. 


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21)


Scorpios are highly insightful and intelligent. They are confident in themselves and their abilities. However, they can be mistrustful of others and are easily misunderstood. 

Howlite helps Scorpios explore their spiritual side, so they become even more insightful. It helps them determine who to trust so they can build long-term relationships. It minimizes the anxiety of being misunderstood. 


Howlite Summary


Howlite is an exquisite stone known for promoting feelings of peace and serenity. It absorbs negative energy to relieve anxiety, anger, and depression. It also offers physical healing properties. 

The stone offers a connection to the physical realm that opens your body and soul. It can be displayed in rooms, held, or worn on the body to provide beneficial effects. How will you include it in your wellness regimen?

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