Jade Meaning

What is Jade? Meaning & Healing Properties

Jade Meaning


There are many jade crystal benefits for both emotional and physical healing. While the benefits vary from person to person, jade can be a helpful gemstone to use with other forms of emotional and physical healing tools.


There are many different stones and crystals out there that you can call your own. Some are going to work to bring you closer to others, some can help enhance your creativity and help you in work, and some will even be there during your spiritual awakening. But one stone that you should pay attention to is the jade stone.


This is a beautiful stone that can help with many aspects of your life. From helping bring peace into your home to enhancing creativity and bringing in more wealth, you will quickly wonder why you didn’t keep this stone around earlier. Let’s dive right in and learn more about the jade stone and why it is a wonderful addition to your journey.


What Is Jade?


Not only is jade an ornamental gemstone often used in jewelry, but the symbolism of jade has a rich history that goes beyond the beauty of the stone. This gemstone is revered in many cultures and continues to be one of the most popular gemstones on the market.


Jade is known for its vibrant green color, but it can also contain other hues that make it beautiful and decorative. This gemstone also offers melodic resonance, which is why it has been used for musical instruments throughout history.


The symbolism of jade has long been associated with wealth and nobility. In China, the meaning of jade crystal was “king,” and it signaled authority and high rank in society. It has long been viewed as a protector of generations for both the living and the dead. The virtues of this stone are equity, courage, goodness, knowledge, divination, harmony, skill, wisdom, rectitude, and charity. 


Origin And History 


The name “jade” was derived from Spanish: “piedra de hijada,” with a literal translation of “stone of the pain in the side.” This name was chosen because Spanish explorers saw native people holding jade stones to their sides and abdomens as a way to alleviate various pains and aches.


The cultural roots of jade run deep, especially in countries throughout Eastern Asia and Meso-American cultures (Aztec and Mayan civilizations). The roots reach far back into history, dating back to prehistoric humans living in huts and caves. Historians have found evidence of jade being used in the Stone Age. Today, people around the world highly prize jade, using it for ritualistic and symbolic purposes.

Traditionally, Chinese folklore focused on nephrite as the preferred type of jade. On the other hand, Meso-Americans used jadeite in their traditions. In the Maori culture in New Zealand, jade was used through generations for ornaments, weapons, and tools.


In addition to personal jewelry, it is often used as an ornamental stone in sacred buildings. For example, jade is often included in ceremonial objects and sculptures. The ritualistic significance is commonly used for different religious ceremonies, including burial rites. Many people regard it as a symbol of harmony, wisdom, and purity.


For ceremonies, jade is also used in a variety of ritualistic musical instruments, including gongs, chimes, and xylophones.


Types Of Jade


What is jade stone? “Jade” actually refers to several different types of minerals that often go by this name. These gemstones have properties of durability and strength. While the composition of these minerals is slightly different, they offer beautiful, vibrant green hues. They are metamorphic rocks that contain mineral crystals interlocking within, which is why the gemstones are so tough.


Nephrite: This type of jade is characterized by colors that are a bit more subdued or muted compared to jadeite. The colors in nephrite tend to be darker, including deep shades of green with creamy white blended in. Nephrites can also contain different colors, such as gray, black, brown, or yellow.

Jadeite: On the other hand, jadeite has bright colors, such as emerald green. These gemstones can also have other purple hues that contrast with the green. Different shades of jadeite include brown, black, gray, reddish-orange, yellow, white, and violet. Often, the color of jade is unevenly distributed, creating a unique visual design in every piece.

Omphacite: This type of jade is a more modern version – but only in certain conditions. There are differing opinions about whether omphacite is categorized as jade, and testing must be done on each gemstone. Some green omphacites have a similar color to green jadeite.


The transparency can range from semi-transparent to fully opaque, depending on the type of jade. The highest quality jade gemstones tend to have semi-transparent coloring. The texture of this gemstone is smooth, which is one reason why it is often used in jewelry. 


Jade Color


There are several colors of jade that you can consider using for your health physically, emotionally, and mentally. The different colors and their meanings include:

  • Green jade:Green jade meaning is known for prosperity, wealth and luck. For your emotional life, this stone is about calmness, balance, and wisdom.
  • White jade:White jade meaning is all about business, love and health. You can also use it to help promote calmness, emotional healing or to enhance your concentration.
  • Red jade:Red jade meaning is about resilience, strength, and courage. Users will utilize this stone when pursuing their dreams and reaching all their goals, especially when things get difficult.
  • Purple jade:Purple jade meaning is all about wisdom, nobility, and working towards your spiritual path. It is a feel-good stone that can help lead you to joy and happiness.
  • Black jade: Black jade meaning is all about strength and protection. When it is time to have a big transformation, then black jade is an energy that you need.
  • Yellow jade:Yellow jade meaning is ready to bring light and optimism to your life. It is also about peace and can be good if you have a war with others or with yourself at the time.
  • Blue jade: Blue jade meaning is all about peace and calmness. When you need to break through the chaos and some of the rebellion in life, this is the stone to use.
  • Lavender jade: Lavender jade meaning is good for harmony and healing while also helping you to revitalize your spirit when things get tough> When there is a storm going on, this is a stone to choose.
  • Pink jade:Pink jade meaning is all about the heart. If you are searching for love, need forgiveness, or you need help with emotional healing, this is the stone for you.
  • Orange jade:The orange jade meaning is vibrant and full of energy. When you want to invite creativity and warmth into your life, this is the right one to choose.
  • Brown jade: Brown jade meaning is about grounding and having a connection with the earth. It can provide some of the stability that we need in our lives.


How Is Jade Formed?


Like many of the crystals and stones that you can use for healing, jade comes to us from the Earth. It has been around for hundreds of millions of years, which helps us to see some of its power. There are two methods used to help make jade known as the exogenous and the endogenous method. These work by the following:


Endogenesis is where minerals are rearranged and combined together to form jade through geological activities. If there is a volcanic eruption that brings magma in the area, that would be this type of formation.


Exogenous: This is when naturally processes like erosion and weathering will be the cause of jade formation.


Where Is Jade Found?


The jade mineral and stone can be found in many areas of the world. The area can help determine the color and the appearance of the stone that you will be able to get. Some of the areas where this stone is prevalent includes:

  • China: Jade has always been highly prized in China, providing a lot of jewelry that you can enjoy for years to come. Often nephrite is used, though jadeite is common a well.
  • Russiais known for nephrite jade as well as some of the lighter shades of jadeite in some areas.
  • New Zealand:This country is known for providing much of the nephrite jade that we enjoy around the world.
  • North America: The vibrant green jadeite that we associate with jade is commonly found in North America. To be more specific, it is found mostly in Western Canada.
  • Guatemala: Some lighter shades of jadeite can be found in Guatemala too.


Real Jade Vs. Fake Jade: How To Tell If Jade Is Real


It is important to pick out the right type of jade so that you get the real thing. Healing will not happen with fake jade, so ensuring that you get the right stuff will make a difference. But how do you know the difference between the real jade and the fake jade?


First, you need to look at the composition and structure. Fake jade will be made of glass or even plastic. Real jade is going to vary depending on the type that you get. Nephrite jade is going to have fibers or grains that go through it and make it more durable and tough while jadeite jade is going to have pyroxene materials. Real jade is durable and hard to break, getting a 6.5 or higher on the Mohr rating, while fake jade will break easily.


The color is important too. There are different colors that you can see with jade. Jadeite jade is going to have bright and vibrant colors, but the coloration will be uniform within it. Nephrite jade is more likely to be black, gray, green, and white and will look creamy in color as well. Look at the color distribution and the consistency of the jade you are considering. If the stone looks unnatural, then it is probably a fake.


You can look at the translucency of the stone too. The jadeite jade is going to be translucent in the best pieces, which allows light to go right through it, making it almost sparkle in the process. Most of the time, the fake jade is harder to see through.


To tell the difference, use the test below:


Visual inspection: Look at the texture, color, and translucency. Natural jade is going to have a unique color distribution and texture that varies, while fake will all look the same.


Physical properties: Take a look at the hardness o the stone. Real jade will be strong and won’t fall apart with a scratch test.


Jade Stone Benefits


There are a lot of benefits to the jade crystal depending on the one that you decide to use for your own. It also depends on which area of your life you would like to see some improvements in. Some of the benefits of the jade gemstone includes:

Stay At Home

There are a lot of benefits to using jade at home. These include:


Bring good luck and wealth: Good luck and wealth can make your home life better. Whether this helps you or other people in the home, you can pool the resources together and improve your whole life.


Purify the negative energy: If you and others in the home feel down quite a bit or there are more arguments and miscommunications than normal, it is time to look into jade to help. This stone can send that negative energy far away.


Promote peace and harmony: What can be better for your home than having peace and harmony? The jade gemstone will help provide you with the best results here.


Place In The Office

There are several benefits to the jade gemstone in the office including:


Enhance your focus: Focusing on the task at hand and being productive can do wonders for time management, coming up with good ideas, and being productive. All of this can help you be more successful in your job.


Inspire ideas: Do you need to be creative in your job, coming up with new and innovative ideas? Then jade will help promote that creativity and will get you ahead.


Relieves stress: Working in a fast-paced environment can be stressful and hard. If you struggle to cope with it well, then this can ruin things and put you behind. The jade gemstone can step in and provide some relief from stress.


Place Under Your Pillow

There are several ways that jade can help improve your life when you do something as simple as placing it under your pillow. Some of these benefits include:


Treat insomnia: When you struggle to sleep well at night, it can ruin your whole day and makes it hard to enjoy life the way you should. Placing a jade gemstone under your pillow can make a difference and can help you sleep better.


Calm and soothe: Do you suffer from racing thoughts and feel anxious and worried often? Then you need to add the jade crystal to your life. Place it under your pillow to provide the calming and soothing powers that you need.


Beauty and skincare: Jade can even help with your skincare routine. If you have irritated skin or want to smooth out some of the imperfections, then jade can help.



The jade gemstone can come in and provide help with your meditation routine as well. Some of the ways that this crystal can help includes:


Balance your inner self: The goal of meditation is to calm the mind and help you feel more balanced in this crazy world. Jade can enhance that and will give you stronger results in the process.


Clarify your thoughts: When your thoughts are racing or muddled, taking the time to hold onto jade while meditating can help clear it up and help you feel so much better.


Purify the soul: Work on your spiritual awakening with the help of jade. You will be amazed at the difference it can make.


Interpersonal Relationships

The relationships in your life are important, whether it is socially or for work. Jade can step in and provide some of the help that you need along the way. Jade can help by:


Promoting balanced emotions: Your emotions can feel turmoil sometimes but finding a good way to balance them and keep them healthy is so important. Jade is a good choice to help with emotional stability to enhance relationships.


Enhance trust; There is just something about jade that will help enhance trust. It can help you see whom you can trust and rely on and shows the world that they can trust you.


Encourages honesty and understanding: So many relationships are ruined by misunderstandings and lies. Using jade to help you through this can make a difference in how well you get along with other people.


Wearing a Jade Bracelet

Many people find that wearing a jade bracelet can be key to helping them handle the world and receive some of the benefits that the jade crystal can provide to them. The jade bracelet meaning includes:


Balance energy: Wearing a bracelet of jade is the perfect way to balance your energy and feel better. If your energy feels off or you want some protection, then this bracelet is the key to feeling better.


Promote health and longevity: Your health is important to enjoying your life. With the help of jade, you can promote good health and can even prolong your life.


Provides protection: There is a lot of negative energy out there you need to worry about. Wearing a jade bracelet will provide you with the protection you deserve.


What Does Jade Do?


Now it is time to see some of the power that jade can bring into your life. It does wonders in a lot of areas, as we explored above, but it seems to have a lot of power concerning your career, wealth, and love. Some of the things that the jade crystal can do includes:




The jade crystal can help with a lot of different areas of love. First, it helps you with emotional healing, giving you a way to calm down and feel better, whether there was some trauma in the past or you are dealing with conflicts. Jade is a good crystal to have around to resolve conflicts and to promote better understanding between partners who want to stay together. Jade is associated with the heart chakra, which is all about compassion, good relationships, and love. You can balance out this chakra with jade and improve your relationship. Some people even thing that jade can help make you more attractive to others, so keep it around if you are back on the dating market.




Jade can also be used to help with your work life. All of us want to be successful in the career that we choose to make our own. And jade can really help with this. Jade is going to help balance he emotions, which can be important when you have a high-pressure work environment that will help you get ahead and make good decisions. Jade can also provide assistance when it is time to inspire new ideas that are going to impress others and get you noticed. Plus, the boost you get to your networking and interpersonal relationships will do wonders for putting you in contact with the people you need when it is time to make a big job switch.




Do you have some big aspirations for being rich and having some of the finances that you need? Then jade is a good stone to keep in mind. This is a stone that is all about attracting abundance and providing some financial stability. Business success can happen when you allow jade to lead you to some new opportunities in life. Jade is also a lucky stone, especially green jade, so you will be able to open the right doors that will send more money your way. And some traditional believe that jade is going to be a good one to have if you want to safeguard your assets and investments, so you do not lose your money.


Healing Properties


There are many jade crystal benefits for both emotional and physical healing. While the benefits vary from person to person, jade can be a helpful gemstone to use with other forms of emotional and physical healing tools.


Throughout history, jade has been known as the stone of good luck and contributes to every aspect of healing. 


Physical Healing Properties


Alternative medicine practitioners find benefits in using jade with their patients because of the healing benefits.


The cleansing jade crystal properties can support the organs in releasing toxins and healing. It is known to support the bladder, kidneys, and spleen, which helps to balance fluids throughout the body. Additionally, jade is known to assist the body in fighting infections and supporting the body in the healing process. The cool surface of the stone can bring down fevers.


Jade has also been found to have a positive impact on people facing sexual problems. It can contribute to sexual desire by improving the libido. Additionally, it is known as a gemstone offering mystical powers to assist with childbirth.


In Middle Eastern cultures, jade is used as a talisman against injuries – believed to protect against misfortune and accidents. In ancient China, it was thought that drinking water mixed with powered jade could help extend life and strengthen the body. Additionally, this mixture was sometimes ingested before death because it was believed to delay the body's decomposition.


Mental & Emotional Healing Properties


The energetic benefits of jade can promote emotional well-being by pushing away negative thought patterns. People find that jade can be beneficial for tapping into personal wisdom and finding the courage to move through challenges. It helps to clear the mind and calm the heart, which has an undeniable impact on mental and emotional health.


Ancient Chinese poets have called jade “the concentrated essence of love” because the melodic sound of the gemstone sounds like the voice of a loved one. When jade is used in instruments, it can have a soothing and relaxing effect because of the “heavenly” tones, which is why it is often used in ritualistic settings. Participants in the ceremonies experience mental and emotional healing as they hear the sound of the instruments.


Metaphysical Properties

Pure jade offers metaphysical benefits to promote balanced emotions. What is the spiritual meaning of jade? It is known as a gemstone that provides protection and promotes harmony. If you want to keep negative energies away and attract good luck at the same time, then jade is an optimal gemstone to use.


Not only are these metaphysical properties available in jade gemstones, but it’s believed that carved jade stone will invoke powers on earth and in heaven – tapping into mystic forces.


These metaphysical properties are one reason why jade is often used for burial rites. For example, some cultures bury the dead with jade near the body or in the mouth of the deceased. The green stone represents the heart, which is why green is always the color of jade that is used for the dead.


Reasons For The Popularity Of Raw Jade


Jade has long been a stone that is prized throughout history. While we may love its beauty and radiance now, it has been valued around the world, especially in its raw form. But why is raw jade considered so valuable and why is it a popular choice to go with? Some of the reasons for the popularity of raw jade includes:

  • They are high-quality:You will find the best jade stones from Myanmar because they are still in their raw form. If you want to get the best quality, then a raw jade gemstone is a good option.
  • Higher price over a finished product:Because the stone is in its original form and hasn’t had any alterations done on it, this makes it more popular and valuable. The raw stone is authentic and more beautiful, which helps to increase its value and popularity
  • Buy one and get many: When you purchase a raw stone of jade, you can get rid of the middleman and get a better price. You can then take the raw stone and make as many pieces of jewelry as you would like, for a fraction of the cost.
  • Cost less to buy:Many people want to get the stone already set and ready to go, and that takes more time and work compared to the raw stone. Choosing to go with the raw stone means that it can be less expensive for you to buy.
  • It is unique: You can make your own unique stone here. This makes it easier to take the raw stone for processing and can communicate directly with the designers to make their own unique jewelry out of the jade.


How To Clean Jade?


At some point, your jade crystal will need to go through a cleansing or a recharge to make sure that it will do well. It can’t hold onto all of the positive power forever without some help. Luckily, there are some steps you can take that will help with this process and can keep the jade stone strong and powerful. To charge the jade and make it stronger, some of the steps that you can use include:

  • Sunlight:Leave the jade stone in the sunlight for a few hours before using it.
  • Moonlight: Leaving the jade crystal in the moonlight overnight will help give a good cleanse of the stone and can make it recharged for all your needs.
  • Earth: if you have the time, burying the jade in the earth for one to two days will allow the stone to reconnect with the energies of the earth and revitalize mor than ever.
  • Water:Rinse the jade under some cool running water. As you do this, visualize any negative energies being washed down the drain.
  • Salt: A bit of Himalayan salt or sea salt with the jade stone in it for a few hours can absorb the negative energies from the stone.
  • Crystal clusters:Putting the jade near quartz or amethyst can help to recharge the stone so that it works well for you.
  • Visualization:if you are in a hurry, you can hold the stone in your hand and visualize to recharge it. Just think about a bright, pure energy penetrating the stone and making it better.

If the stone simply gets dirty, wiping it down with some cool water and a soft cloth can help. store inside a soft cloth to prevent scratching or other issues along the way.




Many people associate the green color of jade with the heart chakra. In the ancient chakra system, the use of green is a way to clear the heart energy center and create more balance overall.


The heart chakra holds a person’s compassion, love, and trust. Not only does the heart chakra influence romantic relationships, but it plays a role in how we connect with the world and people around us. Jade can promote a better sense of self-love, which has a positive impact on improving interactions with other people as well.


It is believed that jade is beneficial for the heart chakra because it bestows friendship and good luck on people. This gemstone has strong spiritual vibes, which is why it is often used in chakra ceremonies to remove negative energy and promote harmony overall. Since jade symbolizes nurturing, serenity, and purity, it is often associated with the heart chakra as an ability to dispel negativity and magnetize love.

zodiac signs 

Jade is associated with the Pisces zodiac sign, which falls partially in the month of March. Some astrologists also believe that the overlapping virtues of Pisces and Aires make jade an astral birthstone for people born from March 21 – 23.


Jade is particularly beneficial for other zodiac signs as well, including Libra, Gemini, and Taurus. The use of jade can help people with these zodiac signs find more self-assurance and be more grounded in their decisions.



The traditional birthstone for the month of March is aquamarine. However, some people use jade as an alternative to this birthstone because of the tranquil, green color of the gemstone. In fact, jade as a birthstone dates back to the Tibetan calendar as the birthstone for March. 




Whether you are looking for a beautiful gemstone or seeking the metaphysical and emotional benefits, jade is a great choice. Not only is this gemstone beautiful, but it has been used for many years as a healing stone that helps with emotional balancing and promotes overall health.




 What makes jade green?

The color of jade gemstones is influenced by the minerals within the gemstone. Chromium is commonly the mineral that makes jade green. Jade can develop other colors when other minerals get between the grains. For example, if you see jade with orange hues, it is because of the iron oxide within the stone.

Why is jade so expensive?

 The price of this gemstone depends on the type of jade you choose. Factors that influence the price of jade include the color, texture, transparency, clarity, craftsmanship, and artistry. Because jade is a rare gemstone that contains exquisite beauty, it can be expensive. Additionally, the durable properties of jade add to the value.

What is the rarest color of jade?

Imperial jade (also known as emerald green jade) is known as the rarest shade of jade. It has a bright, vivid hue of green with just a small undertone of blue. This color is believed to be the most precious and valuable and is highly sought after, especially in China.

 Why does jade turn black?

When you wear jade close to the skin for an extended period of time, such as jade jewelry, it can start to absorb the liquids, oils, and dirt from your skin. Over time, you might notice that these impurities cause the jade to darken in color. The stone can eventually turn black or brown.

 What are the natural colors of jade?

Even though green is the primary color of jade, this gemstone can vary in color. Jade stone colors include many different shades of green, as well as yellow, orange, lavender, and white.

Will jade fade or change color over time:

Jade maintains the same color by itself. However, physical changes can occur depending on the environment where the gemstone is being kept.

Is jade more expensive than diamonds?

How much is jade stone? Typically, jade stones are relatively affordable. But certain types of jade can be pretty expensive. For example, people have paid as much as $3 million per carat for imperial jadeite, making it the second-most valuable gemstone in the world. A blue diamond has a higher value than this type of jade, but other types of diamonds are cheaper.

How can you tell if jade is good quality?

The best way to determine the quality of a jade gemstone is to consult with an industry expert. An evaluation can determine the quality and pricing based on the texture, translucency, color, and more. If there are impurities or inclusions in the stone, these problems will reduce the quality and price of the gemstone.

Why does my jade stone glow?

If you notice that your stone is glowing, then it is likely an indication that dyes were used to enhance the color. Low-quality jade is sometimes treated with a polymer injection to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Natural jade contains chromium impurities, which do not have any fluorescence properties. If you can see that jade is glowing under a blacklight, then you probably have a B-grade or C-grade gemstone.

Can jade be lab-grown?

Scientists have successfully synthesized jadeite, but they have not been able to create nephrite in the lab. Even though it is possible to create jade in a lab, it is not common. Jadeite isn’t produced commercially. If you buy a jade-like stone that is a synthetic product (either in jewelry or as a loose stone), then it is likely a different material created to imitate jade.

How much is jade worth?

The value of jade will depend on the size of the stone, the color clarity, and the overall quality. The jadeite stone is often more valuable and more expensive than the nephrite. 

What is jade rock?

Jade rock is simply a stone made out of geological material that comprises of jade. This is a mineral that is either made out of jadeite or nephrite. The size of the jade, the translucency, and the color can help determine the jade rock price that you pay. 

What color is jade?

Jade can come in a variety of colors. Nephrite jade is often a creamy white to shades of black, grey, and green. Jadeite jade will have more vibrant colors like greens, lavender, reds and oranges, yellows and browns, and some whites. 

What is Imperial Jade?

Imperial jade, also known as Fei Cui, is the most valuable jade. It is known for having a vibrant green color and is veery sparkly and translucent. It looks dazzling and pretty to use, but it is really rare, which can increase the imperial jade price. 

Is jade expensive?

The jade price is generally not expensive. You can find options of this stone for $50, but the price can go higher if you want a bigger stone, better clarity, or a certain cut. 

What does jade mean?

Jade has many meanings depending on what you want to use it for. It can bring good luck and fortune when you want to take care of your financial health, thy can help with wisdom and clarity in your personal and work life, and they can help you have a good and healthy life. Whether you are looking to make more money, do well at work, or improve your relationships, jade is here to help. 

What does jade symbolize?

Jade symbolizes many different things including having an open mind for good relationships, helping you become more creative, and even to attract more wealth to you. 

What is jade good for?

Jade is good for many areas of your life. Are you looking to have healthier and stronger relationships? Do you want to protect your wealth or would like to look to gaining mor wealth? Or would you like to have creative ideas and be better at managing stress so that you can do well at work? These are all things that the jade gemstone can help you with. 

How much is purple jade worth?

Purple jade price is considered expensive because it is scarce and harder to find compared to some other forms of jade. You can find this purple jade from $10 to $300 per carat in jewelry. 

Jade spiritual meaning?

Jade is a great stone to use to help improve your spiritual well-being. It can help with your spiritual awakening and will balance you out, representing more harmony and opening you to some of the messages the spirit world is sending your way. 

What does jade represent?

Jade represents wealth and money, loving relationships with open communication, reaching your spiritual awakening, and making it easier to create the future that you want. 

How to identify raw jade?

You can identify raw jade by looking at the color consistency to make sure that it looks unique and uniform and by checking the hardness and that it is not brittle and won’t break. 

What does jade look like?

Jade can come in a variety of colors, though often it is purple or a lighter color. It is translucent and easy to see light through and often real jade can have textures and patterns in it. It is also tough and will not break with the scratch test. 

Is jade a crystal?

Jade is considered a healing crystal that can be used to improve many areas of your life. It is often called a stone or a gemstone instead though. 

Jade name meaning in Bible?

Jade does not have any meaning in the Bible. There are some stones that are specifically mentioned in the Bible, but this is not one of them. The significance of this one is in other cultures. 

Is jade valuable?

Jade is valuable. It can work to help with many aspects of your life and has been prized in jewelry around the world for many years. 

Is jade a gemstone?

Yes, jade is considered a gemstone. You can choose to use it for many of its different healing powers. 

What is nephrite jade?

Nephrite jade is one of the two distinct minerals that can form to make jade. It is often going to be translucent, though sometimes it is opaquer. It will often just come in one or two colors and is not as valuable as the jadeite form. 

Is jade a mineral?

Jade is considered a mineral. 

Is jade good luck?

Jade is considered good luck, especially when it comes to money and your wealth. It can also bring good luck into your home. 

How hard is jade?

Jade hardness is measured on the Mohr scale. It is considered a 6.5 hardness, which is decent, though not the hardest gemstone out there. 

What is jade made of?

Jade is one of the metamorphic rocks that ca be formed out of heat and pressure and the different minerals that they will combine with. Jadeite is formed with aluminum silicate and sodium, while the nephrite is formed with hydroxyl silicate, iron, magnesium, and calcium. 

Is jade rare?

Jade is not considered rare. You can find quite a bit of it depending on the quality and size that you want to have. The larger and higher quality stones can be rarer to find. 

Is jade a birthstone?

Jade is a birthstone. It is the birthstone for those born in August, along with peridot. It is also the official gemstone to celebrate the 12th anniversary. 

Is jadeite real jade?

Yes, jadeite is really jade. It is one of the two types of jade, with the other one being nephrite. 

How to polish jade?

You can use an abrasive pad or light sandpaper, polishing compounds like cerium oxide or diamond paste, protective gear for yourself, and a felt buffing cloth to help you polish the stone. You will need to do just a bit at a time to work on this to ensure that you do not harm the stone. 

What is hetian jade?

This is a specific type of jade that comes from the region of Hetian in Xinxiang, China. It is known for its quality and is often prized higher than you can get from some of the other areas in the world. 

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