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What is Iolite ? Iolite Meaning Healing Properties


Kelly Saylor        Mar. 06,2024


iolite meaning

Iolite physical healing properties include detoxification and regeneration of the liver. It also removes fatty deposits through the body. These benefits, paired with other Iolite crystal properties make it an excellent stone for those struggling with alcoholism or addiction. 

Other Iolite stone healing properties include fighting bad bacteria in the body. It has strong light energies that promote healing and general wellness and has even been used to treat headaches, migraines, and fevers. According to legend, Iolite’s benefits for vision also include improving eyesight. 




Third Eye






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what is iolite? 
iolite properties
iolite hardness
origin and history 
healing properties
physical healing properties
mental & emotional healing properties
metaphysical properties
zodiac signs 

what is iolite? 

Iolite crystal is known by many names. Dichroite, Cordierite, and Water Sapphire all describe the beautiful stone. Iolite is predominantly deep blue with violet hues. However, you may notice other colors in the different variations of Iolite crystal. 

Iolite has been a popular gemstone for many centuries, long before it was officially named in 1912. It has been used by the Vikings for navigation, worn as a talisman on the seas to help lost sailors return home, and used for communication and clear vision by Shamans. Keep reading to learn more about Iolite meaning and benefits including its history, physical, mental, and metaphysical healing properties, uses, and other facts. 

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Chemical Classification

Chemical Composition



Specific Gravity

Refractive Index

Silicate mineral


Blue, violet-blue, yellow, gray, colorless

7-7.5 (Mohs)


nα = 1.522-1.578, nβ = 1.523-1.584, nγ = 1.527-1.590

iolite hardness



Iolite is the gemstone quality of the stone Cordierite. Cordierite is a cyclosilicate, meaning it is formed by minerals bonding together with oxygen and silicon atoms. It is formed from magnesium, aluminum, and iron and has a chemical formula of (Mg, Fe)2Al3(AlSi5O18). 

Most frequently, Iolite is used to describe the bluish-violet variety of the Cordierite stone. However, you may notice colors including grayish-green, yellow, red, or brown when looking at Iolite, meaning it is pleochroic like sapphire. Essentially, this means the color changes when you view it under different light. 

While all Iolite has the same chemical structure, there are variations of the stone. These variations may be referred to as Blue, Purple, Brown, Colorless, or Bloodshot Iolite. 


origin and history 

The earliest discovered Iolite stone had the purplish-blue hue the gem is known for. This makes sense when you consider that the name Iolite is derived from “ios”, the Greek word for violet. While Iolite was officially named in 1912, it was valued by various cultures through history before then. 

Iolite was worn as a talisman for centuries but was especially popular in Europe during the 18th century. Traditionally, jewelry containing Iolite is gifted as a 21st anniversary gift. Even so, it is not as popular in jewelry making as gemstones like Sapphire, likely because it is softer than Sapphire and may not withstand everyday wear as well. 

One of the most well-known uses for Iolite in history gained it the nickname “the Viking Compass Stone”. During Nordic times, thin slices of Iolite were used to reduce glare when looking at the sky. Its polarizing effects would help Viking navigators locate the sun, especially on cloudy days. Keeping track of the sun was incredibly important for navigating the seas and allowed the Vikings to travel for longer periods. 


healing properties

Iolite crystal healing properties give it benefits in the physical, emotional, mental, and emotional realms. It has a strong vibration and it is sometimes recommended that people new to using Iolite crystal pair it with garnet, tourmaline, or another stone to remain grounded and prevent feeling “out of body” when working with Iolite. 

Black moonstone and black tourmaline are two other gemstones with grounding properties that work well alongside Iolite, particularly when using the stone for spiritual purposes. Let’s take a closer look at some Iolite crystal healing benefits.  


physical healing properties

Iolite physical healing properties include detoxification and regeneration of the liver. It also removes fatty deposits through the body. These benefits, paired with other Iolite crystal properties make it an excellent stone for those struggling with alcoholism or addiction. 

Other Iolite stone healing properties include fighting bad bacteria in the body. It has strong light energies that promote healing and general wellness and has even been used to treat headaches, migraines, and fevers. According to legend, Iolite’s benefits for vision also include improving eyesight. 


mental & emotional healing properties

The crown chakra and communication are closely associated with Iolite crystal, meaning the stone promotes intuition, pure thoughts, and self-acceptance. As you learn to accept yourself, you also gain the confidence and independence needed to be your most authentic self. Additionally, Iolite helps you align your personal goals with the goals of the cosmos, giving you purpose in life. This can make it easier to do things in your life that align with those goals, including managing finances. 

Iolite also benefits individuals struggling with codependency, including those in toxic relationships and individuals codependent on drugs, alcohol, or another addiction. 

The way that Iolite balances the mind and body has calming effects. Some people find that Iolite calms racing thoughts, helps with symptoms of anxiety, and improves sleeping habits in individuals struggling with insomnia. Its many benefits can also increase your sense of well-being and happiness. 

With powerful mental and emotional benefits, Iolite is an empowering stone. Those who are empowered have a greater sense of confidence in themselves and their ability to overcome fears and the challenges they are faced with. Iolite also promotes accountability for oneself and a connection to something greater, encouraging those who use the stone to be the best possible version of themselves. 

When faced with emotionally charged situations, Iolite can also help you take a step back and remain grounded. This makes it easier to problem solve in a critical way, without letting emotions interfere with decision making. 


metaphysical properties

Iolite has been associated with several metaphysical properties through time but is primarily associated with “clear vision”. As a stone associated with vision, seafaring men would wear it to help bring them home. It is often used in many spiritual practices including channeling, Shamanic work, intuitive reading, and meditation.  

As a vision stone, Iolite promotes clarity in all areas of your life. It brings about a sense of connection to the spiritual and cosmic realms and may offer clarity when making big decisions. It is associated with the crown and throat chakras and can help you communicate thoughts and feelings in a more effective way. 

Iolite also has ties to the spirit realm and opens the path to clearer vision. It can help people that are lost find their way home and strengthens communications between the living and the dead.
Shamans are known to wear Iolite to promote clearer visions and it has even been rumored to improve eyesight. 



Iolite promotes balance and its many physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits let it interact with all of the chakras in some way. With a Greek name meaning “violet”, however, it is no surprise that Iolite interacts with the crown chakra most. This can stimulate creativity and imagination and help with seeing the bigger picture. Individuals with clairvoyant or precognition abilities may also be able to stimulate their gift using the Iolite gemstone. 

The crown (or third eye) is the chakra that connects you to your higher self. It is associated with transformation and connection to the spiritual world and divine energy. As you connect to your spiritual self, the crown chakra brings about awareness of the human experience and that you are a soul within a physical body.  

Iolite gives off powerful energy and new users even report headaches in the area near their crown chakra when first using the crystal. To get the most from Iolite crystal benefits, meditate with the stone near the crown chakra, which is located slightly above the head. You should also only use Iolite for chakra meditation after your chakras are aligned. 


zodiac signs 

Iolite is associated with the Zodiac signs Saggitarius, Libra, and Taurus. While it has benefits for anyone, these signs especially are influenced by the vibrations of Iolite. 

For individuals born under Saggitarius influence, Iolite balances their curiosity and self-efficiency without stifling it. This balance is especially important for adventurous Saggitarius who may take the path-less-traveled during life. 

Libras are known for their love of people and well-balanced nature, but they can also be indecisive. Iolite stone benefits the problem solving process, increases focus, and broadens perspective, all of which can benefit the Libra’s indecisive nature. 

protects their curious and autonomous nature while providing protection and balance. 

Libras benefit from Iolite helping them find solid ground with their carefree nature. 

Taureans have a practical nature that sometimes inhibits them from reaching for their dreams. The way that Iolite helps calm their mind while connecting to the cosmos can help Taureans dream bigger. 
Iolite is also associated with the planet Saturn. 


While Sapphire is considered the true birthstone for September, alternate gemstones include Lapis Lazuli and Iolite. Iolite’s ability to bring about balance is especially beneficial for individuals born in September. 



Iolite has a rich history, from its use as a polarizing lens to guide Vikings across to the sea to a talisman that helps Shamans connect to the spiritual world and those that are lost find their way home. 
As a gemstone, Iolite has a beautiful color with different hues that make each stone unique. It gives off a strong vibrational energy and is known for its many physical, emotional, mental, and metaphysical benefits. There are also benefits for the crown chakra when using Iolite, meaning it connects you to the spiritual world and can help with seeing the bigger picture. 

With its many properties, Iolite is a stone that would benefit anyone with one in their collection. 
