Chalcedony Meaning

What is Chalcedony? Meaning & Healing Properties

Chalcedony Meaning


One of the most interesting crystals there is to use in healing today is chalcedony. It’s a tricky one to pronounce, but comes from the Latin word, chalcedonius, which came from the city of Chalcedon in Turkey. As an oxide mineral, it’s part of the quartz family of rocks. Overall, chalcedony is an excellent crystal to use for a variety of purposes in physical, mental, and metaphysical healing.


As a compact microcrystalline, chalcedony is a nurturing crystal that promotes balance and healing within. Let’s look at some of the other properties and varieties that make chalcedony such a valuable crystal to have around. You’ll absolutely fall in love with all it can provide to you. 


What Is Chalcedony?


In looking at the physical composition of chalcedony, it’s considered to have the chemical structure of quartz or SiO2 (silicon dioxide). Throughout these crystalline forms of silica, chalcedony is mainly found in quartz and morganite. The texture of chalcedony is waxy, but has a shine to it coming in many different forms and colors.


The most common colors it comes in are different shades of gray, blue, or brown. Most of them are lighter in color, but some go as dramatically dark as black. Keep in mind that sometimes when it’s purchased color enhancements have been made to make it more dynamic looking. So if you want to buy a real authentic piece of chalcedony that hasn’t been altered, make sure you ask first.


Many people use chalcedony as decorative items in their homes. When it comes in such large displays of quartz, it can be very beautiful and makes an excellent centerpiece for a coffee table or dining room. Jewelry is another popular form that many different types of chalcedony are used for, especially rings, bracelets, or necklaces. It’s often mistaken for a semi-precious stone, like amethyst or citrine, because of its unique milky luster and translucent appearance. All the facets and layers of chalcedony are really very interesting to look at. 


Types Of Chalcedony


As part of the quartz family of crystals, chalcedony has many gorgeous varieties and types. Each of these has its own unique look to it, making chalcedony one of the most fascinating crystals to have. You really can’t go wrong with a gorgeous collection of different chalcedony crystals. All the colors of the rainbow can be had with each variety, making it exciting to collect.


As far as the hardness of chalcedony goes, it’s considered a 6 to a 7 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. The hardness of the crystal usually depends on the type, but in general anything quartz is usually considered a 7. Keep in mind that diamonds are a level 10 in hardness, while something as soft as gypsum is a level 2.


Agate: This type of chalcedony usually has bands of colors in a circular or wavy pattern throughout the crystal. It can be translucent or opaque, but the opaque varieties are sometimes called jasper. The lines that run through agate are what make it so exceptional to look at. Each piece is completely different, with no two every being quite the same.


Bloodstone: This form of chalcedony is also referred to as heliotrope. It’s a dark-colored green with red or yellow spots. When the spots are red like blood, it’s due to the presence of iron oxide. Alternatively, when they are yellow, it’s called plasma.


Botswana Agate: A type of chalcedony that comes from the country of Botswana in Southern Africa. The colors swirl around this pattern of agate in hues such as gray, brown, purple, cream, pink, or blue.


Carnelian: A brownish-red type that looks fairly opaque, carnelian is a crystal that can be pale in color or almost as black as night. A very cool crystal to own.


Chrome Chalcedony: The chemical composition of this type of chalcedony is created from chromium compounds, which contribute to it being green in color. It’s mainly found in Zimbabwe or Bolivia, with its people calling it “mtorolite” or “chiquitanita.”


Chrysoprase: Another green variety of chalcedony is chrysoprase. The green in this crystal comes from nickel oxide. Its minty green color is very soothing and earthy.


Fire Agate: One of the most vibrant varieties of chalcedony is fire agate. This has an amazing iridescent effect making it positively gleam in the light. Some of the colors it comes in are fiery copper, purple, yellow, or orange.


Ice Blue Chalcedony: This type of crystal is mainly found in Greenland, where volcanic layers produced it thousands of years ago. Light blue in color, the southern people of Illorsuit named it chalcedony ice blue.


Moss Agate: If you want a crystal stone that looks like blue cheese, moss agate is it. With blue and white speckles, moss agate is similar to tree agate (green and white) in that it’s actually not considered agate at all. The reason is that the banding is not circular and wavy, like most agate.


Onyx: Black and white striped bands are what make up this form of chalcedony. This crystal is exceptional at absorbing negative energies, so it’s often used in jewelry and for decorative purposes. 


Origin And History


The history of chalcedony goes back thousands of years to 32,000 BP. The first recorded finding of chalcedony can be traced to parts of Turkey, specifically the Istanbul Province. In archaeological dig sites, scientists have dug up ceremonial knives and other weaponry that were created using types of chalcedony. Plus, lots of chalcedony use was documented in the Bronze Age in parts of the Mediterranean. Seals and family crests were carved from chalcedony with a strong influence from the Greco-Roman culture.


During the 19th century, Germany became a big producer of chalcedony. They were one of the leading sources of it with Ider-Oberstein being a mining town where it was in abundance. It was considered the “agate center of the world.”  


Most of the chalcedony found today comes from parts of the United States like California, Nevada, and Oregon. In other parts of the world, it comes from Iceland, Russia, Mexico, and India.  


Healing Properties


The healing properties of chalcedony are nothing short of miraculous. Overall, it has an abundance of mental benefits, physical attributes, and spiritual uses that make it very valuable. Considered a crystal that has emotional balance, the Native Americans held it sacred in many ceremonies. The type of vibrations it produces helps with grounding emotions, making it a positive crystal stone to use during meditation. The healing properties of chalcedony are very useful for a variety of issues from head to toe.


The chalcedony crystal is also known as the “brotherhood stone.” So that means it would be good at healing relationships between friends and family. It helps to facilitate communication between parties that have conflict, coming to a peaceful and healing resolution. People will be able to speak more gently with each other when they have chalcedony around them. It allows the users to breathe more deeply and think more clearly before speaking. Chalcedony is truly a crystal that brings more harmony in your life clearing away discord and discomfort. 


Mental & Emotional Healing Properties


The good energy that chalcedony brings to the wearer is said to help with mental and emotional healing. It’s known as a balancing stone. That means for those who are anxious or are having self-doubts in the moment, chalcedony can help to clear out some of that negative energy away for a more positive outlook.


Frustration, anger, or even panic attacks can be quelled by feeling the grounding sensations of the chalcedony crystal. The best way to use it in these difficult moments is to hold onto the crystal gently in the palm of your hand and breathe deeply. Doing this on a regular basis can help to bring about more peace and a center of calm to your mind.


Since it’s considered a speaking stone, great for orators, if you have to give a speech or presentation, it’s a good idea to spend some time with your chalcedony crystals. It can help you gather your thoughts, speaking in a more clear and direct manner. 


Metaphysical Properties


The metaphysical properties of chalcedony can help someone direct their spiritual energies. It’s said that this crystal can help to cleanse someone’s aura, so that they don’t pass along negative vibes to those around them.


In looking at Feng Shui, which is the practice of using energies to balance out your living environment, chalcedony is considered a water element. So placing this crystal around your environment can contribute to a harmonious living space and better interpersonal relationships. After using chalcedony, your spirit will truly feel more at peace.




Since chalcedony is an orator’s stone, its focus is mainly on the throat chakra in one of the seven chakras, or main energy points, that balance the body. Since it clears up blockages, if you have a sore throat, the vibrations from the chalcedony crystal will possibly help to soothe and relieve pain. Plus, it has a domino effect, since the throat chakra is said to influence how the six other energy points feel in the body. The throat is connected to so much, including the way you speak, and leads down into the entire digestive system. 


Zodiac Signste


The two zodiac signs that chalcedony is best for are Cancer and Sagittarius. For Cancer, this type of crystal is said to be considered lucky. If you feel like you are down on your luck and the whole world is against you, having some chalcedony on your side may help to turn that bad luck around.


For Sagittarius, this beneficial crystal can help to keep your thoughts on track and aligned with your goals. For those who believe in dark magic, it can help to prevent attacks from evil spirits by keeping the environment filled with more positive energies.




Blue chalcedony quartz is sometimes used for a Sagittarius or December birthstone in semi-precious stones. Its pretty blue color is a suitable substitute for blue topaz or turquoise, and can be more affordable. If you have friends with a December birthday, getting them a bracelet of blue chalcedony beads can be an excellent idea. These beautiful crystals will provide them with a nurturing, healing vibe that they will appreciate. 




There are truly so many different facets and attributes to using the chalcedony crystals in your life. As a beautiful crystal that helps with balance, having it around can bring about a center of well-being to your world. Don’t underestimate the power of this important crystal. By remaining open to the possibilities of what chalcedony can do, you’ll be sure to enjoy having this wondrous crystal in your life.

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